Report Data object reference
When you request a report, the API returns a JSON object is in the following format.
Response element | Type | Description |
type | string | The report type that was generated based on the provided parameters. |
reportSuite | object | Contains the report suite ID and name. |
period | string | A string describing the report time period. |
elements | object[] | A list of dimensions used in the report. |
metrics | object[] | A list of metrics used in the report. |
segments | object[] | A list of segments used in the report. |
data | reportData[] | The data that makes up the bulk of the report. See the table below for details. |
totals | double[] | A list of metric totals. |
version | string | The version of the API used to generate the report. |
totalPages | int | Number of available pages for Data Warehouse requests. |
page | int | Current returned page (of totalPages ) for Data Warehouse requests. |
Within the data
element, you get the actual report data. It uses the following structure:
Report Data Element | Type | Description |
name | string | This data item name. |
url | string | The data item URL, if applicable to the selected element. For example, pages and links have a URL, but products do not. |
path | reportDataPath[] | The path for pathing reports. |
parentID | string | Unique identifier for the element in a hierarchy report. Use in reportDescription to request the next level of the hierarch. |
year | int | The four-digit year for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime or Trended report. |
month | int | The two-digit month for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime or Trended report. |
day | int | The two-digit numeric day for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime or Trended report. |
hour | int | The two-digit numeric hour for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime or Trended report. |
minute | int | The two-digit numeric minute for the item if the element is a date range for a Real-Time report. |
trend | double | The slope of the trend line so you can determine the relative change between report intervals. |
counts | double[] | A count of the number of occurrences of each metric in the report. |
upperBounds | double[] | Upper level of the prediction interval. Values above this level are considered anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be below this level. |
lowerBounds | double[] | Lower level of the prediction interval. Values below this level are considered anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be above this level. |
forecasts | double[] | The predicted value based on the data analysis. This value is also the middle point between the upper and lower bounds. |
breakdownTotal | double[] | The total metrics values for the breakdown. |
breakdown | reportData[] (recursive) | This item's data, organized according to the next element. For example, a report of Browsers, broken down by page views, returns a report containing a listing of page views for each Browser type. This is only used in Ranked or Trended reports when multiple elements (Breakdowns) are specified. |