Real-Time Reports
Real Time API reports let you view orders, revenue, units, custom events, instances, and other metrics with up to three correlated dimensions to create granular, real time dashboards with seconds of latency. Real-time reports are available for a rolling 20 previous hour period.
Real time reports operate most efficiently with frequent requests. We recommend between 15-30 seconds between updates.
Get current real time configuration
Call ReportSuite.GetRealTimeSettings
You'll receive an object with the current configuration, similar to the following:
Copied to your clipboard{"real_time_settings":[{"min_granularity":1,"metric":"instances","elements":["prop2","searchenginekeyword"]}]}
Save a new configuration
Call ReportSuite.SaveRealTimeSettings
Send in a real_time_settings
structure with the metrics and elements from the table in the next section that you would like to enable for real time reports.
You can provide a single metric with up to three correlated elements. Note that you do not need to include each correlated element for every report. For example, based on the struct in step one, you can report searchenginekeyword instances without reporting prop2 instances. Realtime configuration changes take 15 minutes to be reflected in reports.
Note: If the ui_report parameter is set to false, you must save at least one element and one metric or the configuration will be invalid, even though an error does not occur. If the ui_report parameter is set to true, you must save three elements and one metric or you will receive an error.
Run a real time report
Call Report.Run and set "source"
to "realtime"
Copied to your clipboard{"reportDescription": {"source": "realtime","reportSuiteID": "examplersid","metrics": [{ "id": "revenue" }]}}
Minute Granularity
When requesting a Real-Time report, you can provide a "dateGranularity"
of "minute:[interval]"
. The interval is an integer between 1-60 that specifies the interval to report. For example, 'minute:3'
reports the request date range in 3-minute intervals.
Relative Dates
Real-Time Reports support relative dates for the Date
, DateFrom
, and DateTo
parameters. For example, to report revenue between noon today and the current time in 3-minute intervals, you could use the following reportDescription
Copied to your clipboard{"reportDescription": {"source": "realtime","dateFrom": "noon","dateTo": "now","dateGranularity": "minute:3","reportSuiteID": "rsid","metrics": [{ "id": "revenue" }]}}
Sort Options
Real-Time reports provide a number of sort options using the SortMethod
property. It is a single concatenated string delimited by colons. The format is:
All components to this string are optional, reverting to its default value if omitted. If omitting parts of this string, make sure to still include the colon delimiters.
String parameter | Description |
algorithm | Supported values include mostpopular , gainers , and losers . Defaults to mostpopular . |
floorSensitivity | A factor between 0 and 1 to cut off low-count items from percentage ranking. Relative only to gainers/losers by percent. Default value is 0.25 . |
firstRankPeriod | Computes the ranking of elements by considering the element's counts from the firstRankPeriod to the final period. Default is 0 . With this argument you can rank from the first period (0 ) to periodCount - 1 (most popular) or periodCount - 3 (gainers/losers) or anywhere in between. The firstRankPeriod is 0 based. For example, if periodCount is 15 , you can pass in a firstRankPeriod of anywhere from 0 - 14 for most popular, or 0 - 12 for gainers/losers (the API considers the differences between periods 12 and 13, and between periods 13 and 14). The trending algorithms require at least 3 periods (with two differences between them), because the API considers the differences, hence periodCount - 3 is the highest firstRankPeriod can be for gainers/losers and other trending algorithms. |
algorithmArgument | Specifies how to order the values for Most Popular, Gainers or Losers. Specify either percent , count or linear . Default is linear . |
Copied to your clipboard{"reportDescription": {"source": "realtime","reportSuiteID": "rsid","sortMethod": "mostpopular:.25:0:linear","metrics": [{ "id": "revenue" }]}}
Totals for Items not Displayed (Everything Else)
You can include an optional "everythingElse"
element to return metric totals for elements that are not included in the report. For example, if most popular is selected, this returns totals for values that are not in the most popular list.
Copied to your clipboard{"reportDescription": {"source": "realtime","reportSuiteID": "rsid","sortMethod": "mostpopular:.25:0:linear","metrics": [{ "id": "revenue" }],"elements":[{"id":"product","everythingElse": true}]}}
Supported Metrics and Elements
The following table contains a list of the supported metrics and breakdowns available in Real Time Reports.
Metrics | Elements |
cartadditions cartremovals carts cartviews checkouts event1 -event1000 instances mobilecrashes mobiledailyengagedusers mobileinstalls mobilelaunches mobilemonthlyengagedusers mobileprevsessionlength mobileupgrades orders revenue socialfbstories socialfbstorytellers sociallikeadds socialmentions socialpageviews socialpostviews socialpubcomments socialpubposts socialpubrecommends socialpubsubscribers socialtotalsentiment units videoadcomplete videoadstart videocomplete videosegmentviews videostart videotime | evar1 -evar250 geocity geocountry geodma georegion linkcustom linkdownload linkexit mobileappid mobiledayofweek mobiledayssincefirstuse mobiledayssincelastupgrade mobiledayssincelastuse mobiledevice mobilegooglecampaigncontent mobilegooglecampaignmedium mobilegooglecampaignname mobilegooglecampaignsource mobilegooglecampaignterm mobilehourofday mobileinstalldate mobilelaunchessincelastupgrade mobilelaunchnumber mobileosenvironment mobileosversion page product prop1 -prop75 referringdomain searchengine searchenginekeyword searchenginenatural searchenginepaid server sitesection socialassettrackingcode socialauthor socialcontentprovider sociallanguage sociallatlong socialterm surveybase topleveldomain video videoad videocontenttype videosegment |